My Ocean of Wealth

Dream Big, as Big as the Ocean! Because You Are Swimming in an Ocean of Wealth and May Not Realize It.

Realization is the key to manifesting wealth. It is not just imagining it. Although imagination is the first vital step in fulfilling your dreams, the power of the punch is in the realization of it.

How to Use Realization to Manifest Your Dreams

Step #1: Imagine you are at the beach and looking at an Ocean of Wealth right in front of you. The ocean is crystal blue with shimmering, frothy caps of wealth floating toward you! You instantly understand that this is your private ocean and can take a swim in it! You look closer.

Step #2: Change your attitude. The ocean looks energetic, clean, and exciting! You know it is incredible to have your ocean of wealth right in front of you! You are excited and eager to make any changes you need to make, and to let the ocean of wealth surround you! You desire to feel like the ocean itself: energetic and exciting!

Step #3: Release Pity-Pot Attitudes. As you look at your own private ocean of wealth, you see happiness, goodness, and success in your business and career! You know you can take a swim in your ocean of wealth right now! You know that there is no longer any need for depression or negative thoughts. You know now is the time to release the old and embrace the new!

Take the Visualization Further

  • As you approach the ocean, you see the magnificent amount of wealth waiting for you.

  • Walk into your ocean of wealth, and realize how good it feels! 

  • It feels unlimited, and you can see the ocean of wealth stretching out before you in unlimited abundance.

  • You see your desires floating toward you, and they are being given to you by a magnanimous power, just like your ocean of wealth is a super power. 

  • Now dive in and claim your abundance of wealth.

  • Open your arms and embrace this unlimited wealth coming to you right now!

  • There is so much abundance, you are literally overflowing with wealth.

  • Now, be specific about your desires. This is the time to visualize your new home, new relationship, new career, new vehicle, new travel, new friends. All you need to do is see in the crystal water of the ocean that home, or career, or friends, all happily waiting for you to embrace them. 

  • Reinforce. Your ocean of wealth is ready to manifest for you what you desire, and you will always keep this in mind from now on. Reinforce this affirmation: “My ocean of wealth is always ready to fulfill my desires.” 

  • Always be grateful for your many blessings of abundant wealth and always find a way to return the favor to others and to the universe.

Now, in glee and happiness, you step out of the ocean and are so joyful that you have had this gift of the ocean of wealth flow to you, you are filled with everlasting gratitude.

In this loving state of gratitude, you realize that you are so thankful to have received these gifts so that you will also be able to help your family, friends, and business associates to enjoy their own ocean of wealth.

Practice diving into your ocean of wealth on a daily basis and watch your life turn around so you can enjoy true and lasting success in everything you do.