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- Magnetize Yourself
Magnetize Yourself
As They Say, “Like Attracts Like.”
Did you know that if you shift your perspective, and employ your imagination, you can dramatically change what you attract?
If you want to know who you are, look at what you attract. This is a simple, but cosmic law of the universe. Cheery, happy, positive, productive, and generous people attract the same. Negative, gossipy, revengeful, and jealous people attract the same.
Not only should you look at who you are, realize that other people are doing the same when they see you. What you manifest is who you are: your possessions, your friends, your lifestyle, and your type of career. These are the outward manifestations of your consciousness. So outside, so inside.
Magnetic Attraction: Like to Like
To change your perspective, imagine you are a magnet. Remember, you attract what you are.
It is time to magnetize your wealth, which includes not only money but every aspect of your life. It has never been easier to ‘work smarter’. New technology, new scientific research, and more advanced communications abound. There are unlimited resources available in any field today.
We rarely see truly wealthy people down and out, depressed, or talking in negative terms. It is not just that they have lots of money and don’t have to worry about a house payment or buying groceries, it’s because they have found their sweet spot and also know the secret of maintaining their happy place, and their permanent wealth!
You hear a lot about attraction. What does it do for you? How do you use it? How does it work? The magnet law of attraction is activated by feeling. Even if you don’t see wealth at the moment, or are not in a good place with finances, the first and most important thing to do is feel wealthy.
Magnetic Visualization
Using tried and true principles of attraction, sit quietly, focus on breathing in and out to relax the body, and imagine that your entire body is a magnet. Feel that you are a giant magnet.
Using imagination, and the feeling that your body is a magnet, visualize you are vibrating with the energy to attract what you want. See a specific amount of money flowing to you now. As it flows to you, mentally place the money in your bank account. Relax and spend several minutes on this visualization.
Tune into your feelings again, and imagine that true wealth is now yours. Feel how great and satisfied you are, and that you have attracted this money into your life.
With all the money you now have in your bank account, imagine and feel you are grateful that you can pay all debts and monthly bills, give to others, and invest in wealth building.
When we use the power of imagination to attract wealth, it is one of the greatest tools you already own and one of the easiest.
As you continue to imagine you are a magnet, use your vibration of energy and send it out into the universe, then relax and allow the universe to return to you the wishes you desire to be fulfilled in your life.
Working with this technique, be specific about what you want to attract.
If it is money, name a specific amount.
Where do you want it to manifest? In a bank account or investments?
If it is a home, visualize the exact area where you want your new home. Be specific with details such as how many bedrooms, square footage, and other amenities.
When you desire a new career or place of employment, be specific by using a company name, for example, where you would like to work.
Whatever is your goal, name it, define it, and give it a color, a size, and a place you want it to materialize.
In the world of self-help techniques, this is one of the simplest and most effective tools you can use right now, anywhere, in your office, in your home, in the car.