How to Manifest Your Expectations

Why Don’t Your Expectations Work Out for You? Here Is a Very Simple Answer, and It’s a Ground-Breaking Technique!

This is not complicated, and you don’t have to enroll in a course to access it. It’s free and is only a matter of shifting how you think expectations should be manifested for you. This is a novel path forward, and you will be amazed at the simplicity in this approach. Better yet, it is understanding that this is the only thing you need to do!

Why don’t your expectations materialize?

It’s because you misplace the source of where you think they manifest.

Manifesting From the Right Source

Scenario #1: Money

If you want a raise in salary, you would normally expect that raise to come from your employer. But what if … what you really desire is more money?

What if instead of a raise, you had another source of income that would satisfy your needs, without it necessarily being from your employer?

If you love your job and have great joy in your career, but need more income, instead of manifesting a raise from your current workplace, look elsewhere.

Scenario #2: Romance

What about a relationship? You want a loving, caring relationship with your partner, but it is just not there. You want your partner to give you what you want, but maybe your partner is on another path. Desiring a loving relationship is normal, but perhaps it cannot be manufactured in your current scenario. If this is so, let’s look elsewhere.

Scenario #3: Health

You want medicine, a treatment, a doctor to give you better health, but sometimes nothing seems to work. You feel sickly but don’t think you are sick. You are not sure how to stay on top of this. You’ve tried everything, so let’s look elsewhere.

The solution for these scenarios and any other scenarios where your desires have been thwarted is to not place your expectations in a job or in other people or in any situation. Instead the answer is to place your expectations in the universal source.

The Universal Source

Why is this the answer?

If you limit in your mind the likely resources for your expectations to be fulfilled such as your job, your boss, or your relationships, then you are placing that power outside of yourself. You are limiting a universe of resources that could come your way starting today!

Your happiness and fulfillment then depends on someone else, or a situation, in which we have no control.

The odds of your expectations always being fulfilled by others are low. Yes, you can work like a dog, put in extra hours, do everything possible to please people, but your expectations are only one piece of the puzzle which is being put together by the world.


You are not alone, and not an island. You have heard this before. And you have an intuitive sense of what it means, but perhaps you never thought before that this applied to fulfilling your expectations.

This is the easiest and best way to fulfill your expectations:

  1. Instead of desiring a raise, which depends on others, place a thought in your mind and send out to the universe that you desire an additional amount of money to manifest in your life. Be specific: do you want this money monthly, in a lump sum, or a better job, or from an unknown source? You always want this to be an ethical source. Tell the universe you are open to legitimate and ethical ways for extra income to come your way.

  2. Meditate about the vastness of the universe. The abundance in the universe is Infinite. This is the source of your abundance. Think of the vastness of  earth, and then expand consciousness to the entire cosmos. It is not a huge leap to expand your desires out to the universe. Looking at photos from space telescopes and satellites can help you expand your vision.

  3. Take soothing walks while you are reflecting on the vastness of space, and the earth. If possible visit a city park and just focus on a tree. A tree is one of the most amazing plants on earth. Or visit the ocean and think about the vastness of the sea. Or check out the nearest forest, where there must be literally billions of leaves on the tree. Expanding your consciousness into vastness is very helpful. 

Always remind yourself of all the wonderful blessings you already have. Gratitude opens many doors for you that you did not know existed.

And always know that the universe is Infinite, you only have to use the right technique for your expectations to manifest!